Yu might ask, who would fly a kite? The answer is simple: all of us!! Why? Because kites are fun! Specially if they are colorful and dynamic like
Kite trains
are. These kites are the best ones on the market. they might be new, but they dominated the reviews and form kite enthusiasts and others. They are pretty,
inticing and awesome! in one word, they are magnificent! Trying to fly one!? It is easy as one two three!!
What is more is that the difference between regular kites and a
kite train
is that the regular ones might have a lot of surface, but the more the
surface, the heavier the kite and less likely for it to fly. The genius
design of kite trains is that they divide the weight of the entire thing
among several individual kites, all of which pull the remaining
weight. The best thing is that you dont need a lot
of wind to fly them, that is because they are very light like feathers!
If you haven't flown a
kite train you should try one! make it your goal this summer, and rememeber you heard it first form me!!